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Presented by:

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Joshua D. Drake

Command Prompt, Inc.

Joshua (JD) Drake is the President and CTO of Command Prompt, Inc., the oldest Postgres Company. He is also the Founder and Co-Chair of Postgres Conference (PostgresConf), the largest non-profit Postgres Community and Ecosystem conference. The founder of United States PostgreSQL (PgUS) and a Director for PgCentral, Inc. He has been using, deploying and extending PostgreSQL and related technologies since 1997.

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Fully updated from 2014, this talk takes into account all the goodies that are available for PostgreSQL replication including but not limited to: * Streaming Replication * Archiving Replication * Management of both types * Logical Replication (PgLogical) If you are new to PostgreSQL replication this talk will provide you with everything you need to know about 95% of PostgreSQL Replication technology. Questions are invited and lively discussion is expected. Bring your best thinking hats and let's solve some data transfer problems!

30 min
PGConf US 2016 [PgConf.US]